In multi-user data-aware applications, there are times when one user edits a record while another user is editing the same record. As long as the changes being made do not affect the same field (e.g., one user modifies the task description while another user attaches a file), XAF can resolve the situation, and merge simultaneous changes made by different users. The following video demonstrates this scenario.
To try out this functionality (which will be available in version 13.1 of XAF), add the following code to your Program.cs file.
staticvoid Main() {
DevExpress.Xpo.XpoDefault.TrackPropertiesModifications = true;
// ...
Important note:
To support this functionality, persistent properties should be implemented in a specific manner. If you implement your business model in code, then follow XPO best practices and use either the SetPropertyValue or OnChanged method in persistent property setters. These methods have several overloads. Use the overloads that take both the old and new property values:
SetPropertyValue("PropertyName", ref propertyValueHolder, value);
OnChanged("PropertyName", propertyValueHolder, value)