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XAF – Compact Theme, Functional Tests, SVG and Keyboard Support for SPA UI (v18.2)


The goals for our last maintenance sprint were to fix known issues in the SPA demo, refactor code, stabilize the new TestCafe based functional testing system and increase test coverage. All of which help build a solid base for feature orientated sprints in the future. Here is an example of a functional test running on our farm.

ASP.NET Core backend service enhancements

In addition, we also worked on the SPA project structure and architecture providing a smoother upgrade process:
  • Moved Controllers from the YourSolutionName.Spa project to the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Spa assembly.
  • Made the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Spa assembly available through DevExpress Nuget.
  • Made Startup.cs smaller and less complex with the help of extension methods.
  • Removed the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Mobile assembly dependency.
  • Supported the standalone Model Editor tool for the YourSolutionName.Spa project.

    Client-side SPA UI enhancements

    • Highly requested compact form layout suitable for large amounts of data along with numerous layout fixes such as paddings, colors, etc.




    • Action state synchronization in Detail Views. Server-side Action settings (Enabled, Active, Caption, TargetObjectsCriteria, etc.) effect the UI immediately. For instance, the Delete Action is disabled for new objects. This generic mechanism will be applied to other UI elements in future updates.

    • SVG images from XAF WinForms apps are now fully supported. Colors and orientation are patched based on context to make them sharp. For instance, image colors are inverted in the floating menu bar for selected ListView records.

    • Keyboard navigation has been improved: use Spacebar to select/unselect a ListView row and Enter to open the DetailView on a focused row. Issues navigating back and forth using Alt+Left/Right arrows have also been addressed. DetailView shortcuts no longer require that active editors lose focus. You can also focus the FullTextSearchFilter Action using Control+/ (right slash). 

    Take it for a test drive

    If you would like to check out these updates, please install this build and download the updated SPA demo source (there are currently no online demos). If you have previously created SPA projects, you will need to recreate them using the Solution Wizard (due to the incompatible project template changes).

    To discuss our new vision, roadmap and technical requirements more effectively with the XAF community, we have created a private discussion forum - exclusively for Universal customers. Feel free to leave comments to this post, email us at xafteam@devexpress.com or submit tickets using the Support Center if you are unable to join the discussion on our forum.

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