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XAF - Web UX Enhancements (Coming soon in v15.2)


In this release cycle, we've evolved our web page templates and themes optimized for touch devices (released n v15.1). While we still continue to refine things, we believe that this feature is ready to be used in production and we do not expect major breaking changes going forward.

In addition to numerous cosmetic enhancements and capabilities that were already test-driven in previous minor updates, let me highlight a few important features:

1. Adaptive and Responsive Layout

Our ASPxGridListEditor supports adaptive layouts and is enabled in the new web style by default. Columns are collapsed automatically when the browser window is resized.

You can control this behavior via the IModelColumnWeb.AdaptivePriority property in the Model Editor invoked for the ASP.NET project. 

This option specifies the column's priority. Columns with a lower AdaptivePriority value remain visible when the browser window shrinks, while columns with a higher value are hidden. Hidden column data can be accessed via the ellipse "..." button. In the image above, both the SUBJECT and PROJECT columns have a lower AdaptivePriority value than others.

2. Device-Specific Settings in ASP.NET Applications

Web applications can now have separate settings for desktop, tablet and mobile devices. Device-specific model differences are stored in the Model.Desktop.xafml, Model.Tablet.xafml and Model.Mobile.xafml files. Database settings storage is also supported.

3. Customizable ASP.NET Templates for Touch Devices

Page templates designed for touch devices can be easily customized. Corresponding project item templates are now available in Visual Studio:

  • DevExpress v15.2 XAF ASP.NET Default Template Content V2
  • DevExpress v15.2 XAF ASP.NET Dialog Template Content V2
  • DevExpress v15.2 XAF ASP.NET Logon Template Content V2
  • DevExpress v15.2 XAF ASP.NET Nested Frame Control V2


With v15.2, the DevExpress HTML5 Report Viewer is used by default. 

Our Web Report Designer now supports parameters with complex types (including multi-value parameters for complex types).

Finally, XAF's Reports Module can now store a layout in XML format, making complex report rendering much faster (learn more)!

Confirm unsaved changes

ASP.NET applications can now prevent loss of unsaved data by displaying a warning dialog if a user attempts to close the browser tab, or clicks an Action whose execution may lead to loss of unsaved data.

This behavior is enabled by default. You can disable it using the ConfirmUnsavedChanges property of the Options node in the Model Editor invoked for an ASP.NET project:

The option above is global. To enable/disable the confirmation dialog for a specific Action, use the ConfirmUnsavedChanges property of the ActionDesign | Action node.

By default, the IModelActionWeb.ConfirmUnsavedChanges option is set to true for the following Actions: NextObject, PreviousObject, New, DialogCancel, DialogClose, ChooseTheme, Refresh, Cancel, Edit, Logoff, ChangeVariant

Batch Edit support

ASPxGridListEditor now supports Batch Edit Mode. Unlike other modes, Batch Edit allows you to edit multiple rows and then save all modified objects at the same time.

To enable Batch Edit Mode, set the InlineEditMode property of the ListView node to Batch in the Model Editor and ensure that the AllowEdit property of the same node is set to true.

Please note the following: 

    In Batch Edit mode, the Detail View is not invoked when a user clicks a row.
    A few data types cannot be edited: imagesreferencescriteriafile attachments.
    Initial property values for new objects are passed to the client when the grid control is created and are not updated each time you create objects using the New Command Item.

Batch Edit Mode supports our new ConfirmUnsavedChanges and Validation module features.

Master-Detail support

ASPxGridListEditor now provides built-in support for the master-detail data presentation. To enable it, run the Model Editor for an ASP.NET project, and set the DetailRowMode property of the Views | ListView node to DetailView or DetailViewWithActions.

In DetailViewWithActions mode, a Detail View specified using the DetailRowView property is shown in a detail row. In DetailView mode, the same Detail View is displayed, but the toolbar of its nested List View is hidden.

By default, DetailRowMode is None and the master-detail mode is disabled.


Please tell us what you think of these new features.

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